Introduction on Financial Wellness: Why is it important?
Why should an employer invest in a culture of financial wellness for their employees?
What type of wellness program is right for your staff?
When it comes to the installation of the perfect wellness programs for your staff – it is vital to understand just exactly what sorts of wellness programs your staff will best respond to in the first place. What sorts of programs do you foresee them being stimulated by best? These programs are designed to foster a culture of financial wellness and wellbeing – but many attack the problem from different vectors. The trick is deciphering which one will work best for your specific employees and business.
- Traditional delivery options: These can include slideshows and lectures - which are great in certain circumstances - but not in others.
- Onsite workshops: These can get your employees moving and thinking towards the cultivation of a culture of financial wellness.
- Recurring coaching: This can foster an ongoing relationship between your employees and an overall lifestyle of financial wellness.
- Webinars: If your employees work from home - webinars are a perfect option for fostering a culture of financial wellness.
- Higher Education: Such college courses can steer your employees towards a greater understanding of financial wellness.
- Printed literature: If certain members of your workforce get more from reading then any other kind of media - this certainly remains an option as well.
- How to pick the right options: This will all depend upon the specific makeup of the employees which make up your small to midsize business.
Elements of Financial Wellbeing
If you wish to foster a culture of financial wellbeing within your business, it is important to familiarize yourself with certain elements of such principles of financial wellbeing – as listed below.
Ensure each aspect of the organization is following the established plan. This is not so much a tyrannical proposition as it is a guiding principle – so you can steer your employees into the sorts of productive cogs you require.
Organizing and directing
Decide on what resources are necessary to effectively carry out the plan. If given the right tools, employees can begin to make these decisions for themselves – on their own.
Decision making
Again, implementing and cultivating a culture of financial wellness will encourage such active and careful decision making among your various employees.
Implementing a financial plan
This will help them do so within their own personal financial lives as well – which will ease stress levels among them tremendously.
Save, invest, make your money work for you
These essential principles are vital to getting your employees to understand how to engage in a lifetime and lifestyle of financial wellness.
If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work… – Warren Buffet.
This is a great quote to introduce your employees to. Not only can they apply this to their own financial lives – but they can begin to apply such principles to your overall business.
A great way to generate a stable amount of money in a responsible manner.
Debt & Bonds
These tried and true processes are a great way to leverage stable assets in an unstable world.
Real Estate
The acquisition of land has also been a time honored way to accumulate wealth down the centuries.
Speculative assets
A less stable proposition – and one which it is vital to advise against – if you are seeking your employees’ overall financial wellness.
Understanding good debt and bad debt
This can be pivotal – both within the personal lives of your employees but also for their actions within the financial life of your own company as well.
How to generate actions
Ensure your employees understand these principles in order to lead lifestyles of financial wellness.
- Connect: Community & the fostering of contacts is essential in the pursuit of the accumulation of wealth
- Be Active: Make sure they are ready for any sort of opportunities which may come their way.
- Take Notice: This goes part and parcel with the above - but it is important to be aware of and react to the ever changing whims of the market.
- Keep Learning: As always, we can always each keep learning more - and adding to our vast communal knowledge of financial wellness.
- Give: This is an important imperative - as what goes around comes around. You have to give in order to receive.